
Ministry of Planning and Development
Eric Williams Finance Building
Level 14
Independence Square
Port of Spain
Tel. 612-3000

Request for PROPOSAL

  1. The Ministry of Planning and Development invites suitably qualified suppliers to submit bids for the following
  No.  RFB Title and Reference No.  RFQ Issue Date  Submission Deadline Date & Time
  1.  Supply and Delivery of 3500 Android Mobile Tablets Computers  July 19, 2023  September 1, 2023 4.00pm
  • The Request for Quotation is open to suitably authorized and experienced providers of the goods and services described above.
  • Interested suppliers are required to send an email request to [email protected] to be issued the RFQ document.  An electronic copy of the RFQ document will be provided via email from [email protected].  The request should contain the following information:
  1. i. the supplier’s business name, address, telephone number and email address; and
    ii. The name, designation, email address and direct contact number of the supplier’s designated representative for the purpose of the RFQ.
  • Representatives are encouraged to attend a virtual pre-submission meeting on the date and time indicated in the table above.  An electronic meeting invitation will be issued to all suppliers requesting the RFQ documents.
  • The contract will be awarded in accordance with the pre-defined evaluation methodology outlined in the RFQ documents. 
  • Quotations must be completed and submitted in accordance with instructions outlined in the RFQ documents. Suppliers are strongly advised to ensure bids are submitted well in advance of the deadline, to mitigate the risk of bids being rejected.
  • Late quotations will not be considered under any circumstances.
  • The Ministry does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quotation.
  • The Ministry reserves the right to cancel the present notice in its entirety or partially, without defraying any cost incurred by any supplier in submitting their quotation.
  1. Failure to comply with any of these instructions or submit any mandatory documents will result in quotations not being considered.

10th July.2023

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