2011 Census Database now accessible online

2011 Census Online

The 2011 Population and Housing Census database can now be accessed and queried via the Central Statistical Office’s website www.cso.gov.tt. You can now rapidly produce various types of user defined tables, graphs and maps which are easily downloadable for inclusion in reports, presentations and for personal use.

The “2011 Census Data” link falls under the heading “CENSUS” in the navigation bar of the website. Upon entering you can access person, household, dwelling, building and emigrant variables and can run frequencies and up to four-way cross tabulations. This software which enables you to process and analyse the Census data is called Redatam which is an acronym for “Retrieval of data for small Areas by Microcomputer”.  The Redatam software was provided royalty free by the United Nations UNECLAC/CELADE.

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