Coat of Arms

An Official Website of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago


Ministry of Planning and Development


Frequently Asked Questions

Population, Social and Vital Statistics

What is the level of disaggregation of the data?

In general, can get most of the data disaggregated by:

  • Sex
  • Age
  • Area (Regional Corporation, Division, Selected Roads)

What data does the Population, Social and Vital Statistics Division produce?

  • Mid-Year Population Estimates
  • Deaths
  • Births
  • Marriages
  • Divorces
  • Traffic
  • Crime
  • Education

National Income

What is Gross National Income (GNI)?

Gross National Income (formerly GNP) equals GDP plus primary incomes receivable from the rest of the world less primary incomes payable to the rest of the world. Primary income includes compensation of employees, profits, dividends, interest, rent/royalties.

What is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

The Gross Domestic Product of a country is equal to the sum of the gross value added of all residential institutional units engaged in production plus any taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of their outputs.

What is Value Added?

Value Added is a measure of the additional value created by a process of production. It can be measured as gross or net Gross Value Added is defined as the value of output less the value of intermediate consumption. Net value added is defined as the value of output less the values of both intermediate consumption and consumption of fixed capital.

What is Intermediate Consumption?

Intermediate Consumption consists of the value of goods and services consumed as inputs by a process of production excluding the consumption of fixed assets which is recorded as the consumption of fixed capital.

What is Gross Output?

Gross Output is the total value of all goods and services produced during the accountancy period adjusted for change in stock of finished goods and work in progress. Output consists only those goods and services produced within an establishment that became available for use outside that establishment.

Economic Statistics

What is the purpose of the Survey of Departing Visitors?

The purpose of the survey is to gather information  on visitor's expenditure, visitor's experience demographic of the visitor, for example sex, age, country of birth, country of Residence, place of stay, length of stay etc. This survey is done bi-monthly which is conducted every two (2) months. The data collected is use by the Central Bank to estimate the amount of money spent by tourists in Trinidad and Tobago.

What is the Index of Domestic Production?

The Index of Domestic Production is a quarterly series of indices showing changes in the volume of production over time in various industries of the economy.

What is the Index of Building Materials Prices?

The Index of Retail Prices of Building Materials is a quarterly measure of the relative change in the retail prices of building materials used in the construction of an average home based on a sample of retail stores of different types and sizes.

What is the Index of Retail Sales?

The Index of Retail Sales is a quarterly measure of the value of goods sold by retailers based on a sampling of retail stores of different types and sizes.

What is the Index of Producers' Prices?

The Index of Producers’ Prices expresses the current composite weighted prices of commodities of local manufacturers as a percentage of the base year.

What is the Index of Retail Prices?

The Index of Retail Prices is a weighted average of the proportionate changes in the prices of a specified set or ‘basket’ of consumer goods and services between two periods of time.

Do you have data by product brand?

Unfortunately, we do not. We get our data directly from the Customs and Excise Division and they collect import and export data using H.S codes, which codes the product and not the brand of the product imported or exported. H.S. Codes can be sourced from the Customs and Excise Division.

Can I get data on products showing their country of origin?

Yes, we can provide data showing country of origin for any product or products.

Continuous Sample Survey of The Population (CSSP)

What is the definition of Unemployed?

The unemployed includes all persons who looked for work at some point in time during the three months' period preceding enumeration and who at the time of  enumeration were not working or had a job, but still wanted to work.

What is the definition of Employed?

The Employed relates to all persons who had jobs during the survey week whether they were at work or not.

What is the Labour Force?

The Labour Force is all persons 15 years old and over engaged in or willing and able to be engaged in the production of goods and services.

Business Survey

Why was my business selected?

Selection depends on numerous factors such as the number of people employed, how many other businesses are operating in the same industry and the size of those businesses. Generally, large businesses will ALWAYS be included in the survey sample because the information they provide can be quite significant.

How many businesses are in each survey sample?

This differs from survey to survey. We delimit the size of each survey sample at the minimum level required to produce representative and accurate results for government and other users.

Why does the CSO need this information?

The information your business provides is regarded simply as a representation of the industry to which it belongs. As a business, the information you provide is important to compiling accurate estimates of the performance of the economy. Statistics produced by the CSO also enable Trinidad and Tobago to be compared with other countries throughout the world.

Can I send my data in via email?

Completed forms and other information can be sent to the email address provided in the official request for information.

Who uses the data produced by the annual business surveys?

The data collected from these surveys is vital for government, financial institutions and other external forecasters. It informs policy-making decisions, helps to monitor the economy and is a primary measure of inflation.

My business is small. Will the information be relevant for you?

Under Statistics Act anyone carrying on an undertaking, whether or not it is for profit is legally required to complete CSO business survey questionnaires. Information from small businesses ensures our estimates are comprehensive and represents all economic activities.

I am unable to provide accurate figures by the due date. Are estimates acceptable?

If accurate data is not readily available, careful estimates will be accepted.

What will happen if I do not complete the questionnaire?

Failure to comply could lead to prosecution under the Statistics Act with a fine up to a maximum of $2,000. If this happens you will still need to complete the questionnaire

What if I don't have time to fill in the form?

Firms experiencing difficulties in completing Annual survey forms by the due date can request an extension of time. Extensions may be granted on a case by case basis, in accordance with the Statistics Act and should be requested by contacting the Business Surveys Section in writing. The CSO can also arrange a visit to assist you in completing outstanding forms.

Is it compulsory to submit the business survey return? Can I be exempted?

The business survey is conducted under the Statistics Act (Chapter 19.02) which requires all selected firms to provide the necessary information for the survey. Your participation in the business survey ensures that the industry data compiled are representative across the respective industries or sectors.

Will my data be kept confidential?

Only aggregated totals are published. Your data will be treated in strict confidence in line with the provisions of the Statistics Act, Ch.19:02, which provides the authority for its activities and guarantees confidentiality for information collected. It will only be seen by those who need to be aware of them for compiling statistical data.

Agriculture Statistics

What kind of information on Agriculture Statistics can I get online?

You can get information on production, sales, farming constraints, employment and number of farms on all our surveys.

Are all the results of our surveys available online?

Unfortunately, no. There are over 10 tables that exist for the pig survey. Every survey has a different amount of tables. Only the main outputs are included on the website. For further details, please contact the Agriculture Division using the email above for further information that can be obtained from our various surveys.

What type of agriculture statistical data is currently available?

At present, we do the following surveys;

Food Crop Survey – every 2 months

Pig Survey – every 3 months

Small Ruminant Survey – every 3 months

Pineapple Survey – every 3 months

Paw Paw Survey – every 3 months

Watercress Survey – every 3 months

Christophene Survey – every 3 months

Broiler Survey – every 4 months

Table Egg Survey – every 4 months

Apiculture Survey – every 6 months

Aquaculture Survey – every 6 months

What is the process to request information on agriculture statistics?

You can send an email to [email protected]. Please provide a contact number and a brief reason why you are requesting the data. For e.g. ‘I am a student doing research for my final project…’ Also, please be very specific with respect to the details of the data request. E.g. I would like to get the average amount of pigs sold – live for a five year period beginning from 2012.

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