In 1999, the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) was established through the combined efforts of the United Nations, the European […]

Trade statistics refer to information relating to all goods which add to, or subtract from the total material resources of a country by entering its

In September 2000, at the UN Headquarters in New York, countries of the world agreed to adopt eight (8) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to reduce

Environmental statistics are an integrated collection of data which include the natural environment, biodiversity, and human settlements. It is the broad application of statistical methodology

Vital statistics refer to the compilation of statistical information regarding major events in an individual’s life and the characteristics of those events. Vital statistics include

Statistics provide the data to support the foundation for an informed society; it combines the capacity to observe with the ability to analyse and make

In 1989, the 10th Meeting of the Heads of Government of Caribbean Community culminated in the creation of the Caribbean Single Market Economy (CSME), a

Data dissemination refers to the release of data obtained through a statistical exercise to stakeholders. These stakeholders include but are not limited to policy makers,

National census data are a public good. The data serve as a necessary information resource and are instrumental to the sustainable development of our nation,

Over time, census data has evolved from a simple population count to the complex statistical exercise it is today, with the information gathered used to

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