Advance Release Calendar

The Advance Release Calendar (ARC) is the latest service being implemented by Central Statistical Office as we seek to embrace the data revolution through the promotion of transparent, timely and accessible official statistics by providing you the user with advanced information on what and when some important statistical indicators will me made available to the public.

Next Releases
July 2023Release dateDatasetReference Period
29th July, 2023Index of Retail Prices (RPI)June 2023
29th July, 2023International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)May 2023
29th July, 2023Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)May 2023
29th July, 2023Labour Market: Employment1st Quarter 2023
29th July, 2023Labour Market: Unemployment1st Quarter 2023
Upcoming Releases
August 2023Release dateDatasetReference Period
31st August, 2023Index of Retail Prices (RPI)July 2023
September 2023Release dateDataset
30th September, 2023Index of Retail Prices (RPI)July 2023
30th September 2023Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP)1st Quarter 2023
30th September 2023International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)June 2023
30th September 2023Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)January 2023
30th September 2023Index of Domestic Production (DPI)1st Quarter 2023
30th September 2023Index of Producers’ Prices1st Quarter 2023

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