Human Development Atlas
The Human Development Atlas 2012, the first of its kind in the CARICOM region is a joint effort of the UNDP in Trinidad and Tobago and the Central Statistical Office to map human development in Trinidad and Tobago.
Download the data tables in this publication
1.1 National Human Development Index. Dimension Indicators (.xlsx 10KB)
1.2 Inequality Adjusted National Human Development Index Dimension Indicators (.xlsx 18KB)
Population with chronic illnesses (%)
Primary and Secondary Educational Attainment Rate (% ages from 6 to 16)
Secondary and Higher Educational Attainment Rate (% ages 17 and above)
Household income per capita per year (US$ according to 2005 PPP conversion rate – 4.61)
1.3 Gender Inequality Index. Dimension Indicators (.xlsx 10KB)
1.4 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Indicators (.xlsx 18KB)
Life Expectancy at Birth
Households where child died
Households not consuming iodized salt
Households without electricity
Household without access to drinking water
Households without access to improved sanitation facilities
Primary and Secondary Educational Attainment Rate (% ages from 6 to 16)
1.5 UNDP Citizen Security Survey (.xlsx 25KB)
The Most Serious Problems in the Country by Police Divisions. Share of Population by Respondent’s Option of the “Most Serious Problem” in percentage.
Actual Victimization
Domestic violence
Crimes in community
Fear of crime in society
1.6 Trinidad and Tobago Crime Data (2010) (.xlsx 25KB)
Trinidad and Tobago Crime Data (2010)
1.7 Population in Trinidad and Tobago (2010) (.xlsx 11KB)
Population (2010) by Regional Corporations
Population (2010) by Police Divisions
Human Development Index for Trinidad and Tobago (.xlsx 13KB)
Inequality Adjusted National Human Development Index for Trinidad and Tobago (.xlsx 10KB)
Gender Inequality Adjusted Index for Trinidad and Tobago (.xlsx 510KB)
Dimensional, indicators and weights used for the calculation of Multidimensional Poverty Index (.xlsx 9KB)
Multidimensional Poverty Index (.xlsx 168KB)
Intensity of Poverty of Poor Population for Health dimension and dimension indicators (.xlsx 9KB)
Intensity of Poverty of Poor Population for Education dimension and dimension indicators (.xlsx 9KB)
Intensity of Poverty of Poor Population for Standard of living dimension and dimension indicators (.xlsx 9KB)
A publication of the Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Planning and Development. All rights reserved. CSO encourages reproduction and dissemination of material in this Atlas with acknowledgement of source. Non commercial uses will be authorized free of charge, upon request, reproduction for resale or other commercial purposes, including educational purposes may incur fees. Applications for permission to reproduce or disseminate CSO copyright materials, and all queries concerning rights and licences, should be addressed to The Director of Statistics, 30 Park Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago or by email to [email protected]